Image via Wikipedia
In the middle of the yard, we could play football though I was seldom involved because I didn't have a clue how to play. I do have a clear memory of when Walt Latham broke his leg at recess. There was a huge pileup and an audible "snap". That was the first time I'd heard a human bone break.
One part of the playground was in a corner next to the school where we could go if we didn't want the teachers to see what we were up to. That's where I had my first kiss. WOW! I was impressed and of course embarrased and all jittery. It was a long time before something like that happened again. As I think about it now, there should be a stone marker there with a brass plate on it with the date and time.
The farm was my other playground and that's one that will take a posting of its own. Imagine a playground of almost 500 acres of fields and woods and added to that another couple of thousand acres that belonged to neighbors.
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