Image by Janrito Karamazov via Flickr
Ah! The bra prank! I absolutely had no involvement whatsoever. I was just a very innocent bystander. Arriving on the bus one morning I was immediately approached by Ronnie and Guy who covertly pointed to the top of the school's flagpole. There in all it's glory waved a rather large brassiere, white in color and humongous in cup size. We basked in the hilarity of it all, trying to blend with the crowd who were beginning to notice and pass along this delicious prank to each other.
The front door of the school, which NEVER opened before the appointed time sprang open. Out rushed old Marblebutt the principal. He went straight to the flagpole, blushing a very bright red, lowered the offending garment and placed it under his suit coat. Then, still not speaking, he rushed back into the school with the entire student body laughing unto tears! What a glorious moment.
I will say this for the old man. He may have done some quiet sleuthing, trying to find the authors of the deed, but he never mentioned it again. That had to take some class. As for Ronnie and Guy, my guess is that some unsuspecting matron left her underwear on the line on Sunday night and seeing it waving there in the dark sparked a most ingenious plan.
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