Sunday, May 17, 2009

How it All Began

2300 Hours, 6 Aug 1947:  Ma says to Pa - it's happening!  Pa cranks the 1937 Ford Coupe and off they go to the "Old Hospital" in Greenwood.  Earlier - in 1944 this building was hit by a tornado and was subsequently rebuilt.  But back to 1947. Ma continue in labor that night and all the next day.  At 1900 on the 7th the delivery took place by caeserian section and the bouncing baby boy was born.

He was always a sickly child and before being 6 years old was visited by most of the "dread" childhood diseases of the time - to include pneumonia, scarlet fever, Impetigo, all of the various measles, mumps, chicken pox. whooping cough and "the flux."  By the grace of God he lived long enough to get one of the first shots of Salk Vaccine in the area.  That's what we had in those days - not Sabin or MPV.  

But the good thing about all this was that he lived and prospered under the influence of farm chores, pond swimming, whippings, hand churned ice cream and etc.  

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